A Shared Commitment to Climate Action

The UAE and US governments are building on many years of strong bilateral ties to tackle global climate challenges together. As host of COP28 in 2023 at Dubai Expo City, the UAE coordinated closely with the US Government and American partners across sectors to organize an ambitious and inclusive climate conference.

UAE-US cooperation was instrumental in delivering results at COP28:

UAE-US collaboration will not only accelerate efforts to reach climate goals, but will also enhance economic opportunity and diversification, while creating knowledge, skills and jobs.

In the private sector, UAE-US partnerships are driving advances in sustainability and clean energy technology. Additionally, the UAE is working with partners in the US to protect natural environments in both countries and tackle pressing climate issues.

“At a crucial time for climate change, we’re in lock step with our US partners to decrease global emissions and lead a just energy transition.”
– Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba

MBZ and Harris

President of the UAE HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan meets with US Vice President Kamala Harris to discuss shared climate goals between the UAE and US at COP28.
Bill Gates with Almeheri

Former Minister of Climate Change and Environment for the UAE HE Mariam Almheiri and Bill Gates, from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, discussed joint partnership for food systems transformation, agricultural innovation and climate action.
Mangrove Photo Gift

COP28 President Dr. Sultan Al Jaber gifts the White House a photo collage from President Biden’s visit to Masdar.
Vilsack at COP28

At COP28, former UAE Climate Minister HE Mariam Almheiri and US Senator Tom Vilsack shared how the UAE and the US are increasing investment in climate-smart agriculture through the AIM for Climate Initiative.
Amos at WH

COP28 Director-General Ambassador Majid Al Suwaidi and Deputy Assistant to the President for Energy and Investment Amos Hochstein met in Washington to discuss ongoing cooperation between the UAE and US on climate action.
Hillary Clinton

COP28 President HE Sultan Al Jaber speaks with former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about UAE-US collaboration to address the climate crisis.
Bloomberg and Al Jaber discuss COP28

Michael R. Bloomberg, the founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies, joins with Al Jaber to announce a new partnership to advance meaningful climate action ahead of COP28.

The UAE seeks to increase investments in agricultural innovation as climate change threatens the world’s food production.
tai trade

Climate action represents a significant economic opportunity and is becoming an increasingly important part of the UAE-US trade relationship.
Coyote wind

Partnerships between the UAE and US are driving expansion across the United States in the wind energy sector, helping grow the economy and create jobs while laying the foundation for a more sustainable energy future.

About AIM for Climate:

Together, the UAE and US lead the Agriculture Innovation Mission (AIM) for Climate. AIM for Climate is a growing coalition of 600 partners and 55 nations that have mobilized $17 billion to enhance food security and make farming and food production more environmentally friendly. Climate has a significant impact on how food is grown and produced, and the UAE and US are leading the global effort to meet this challenge. Learn more.

“A special thank you to our partners in the United Arab Emirates, my friend Tom Vilsack and the entire Department of Agriculture… By working together, we can further strengthen global food supplies, boost farmers' incomes, and protect our planet for future generations.”
U.S. President Joseph R. Biden

December 2023

UAE Hosts COP28: Delivers Historic Package to Accelerate Climate Action

Cooperation between the UAE and US was instrumental in delivering results at COP28. US Climate Envoy John Kerry and UAE leader mobilized international action to reduce methane emissions, AIM for Climate  garnered $17B and enlisted 600 global partners to make food more sustainable, the Gates Foundation and UAE government directed new resources to address climate health impacts, and the UAE’s Masdar expanded plans for renewable energy investments in the US.

September 2023

Bloomberg and COP28 Presidency Partner to Engage Cities in Climate Action

Michael R. Bloomberg, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solutions and founder of Bloomberg L.P. and Bloomberg Philanthropies, joined with COP28 President-Designate Sultan Al Jaber at UNGA to announce the COP28 Local Climate Action Summit, which will include subnational leaders in the COP program and process.

August 2023

UAE Provides Critical Funding to Reef Renewal USA

In response to the coral bleaching crisis in the Florida Keys, United Way of Collier and the Keys (UWCK) announced a collaborative effort with the United Arab Emirates, which provides funding of up to $50,000 to support Reef Renewal USA's coral rescue efforts.

May 2023

Minister Almheiri and Secretary Vilsack Expand Investment in Sustainable Agriculture

At the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate Summit in Washington, DC, UAE Minister of Climate Change and Environment Mariam Almheiri and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced that 500 partners and 50 nations have mobilized $13 billion to enhance food security.

April 2023

Masdar Expands Presence in US with Acquisition of Big Beau Project

Masdar announced its acquisition of a 50% stake in the Big Beau solar and battery storage project in California, making it one of eight projects on which Masdar and EDF Renewables have agreed to partner, with a combined capacity of 1.6 gigawatts (GW).

March 2023

Special Envoy Kerry and COP President-Designate Al Jaber Partner to Fight Climate Change

US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry and COP28 President-Designate Dr. Sultan Al Jaber met at the White House to discuss opportunities for raising climate ambition and accelerating climate action on the road to COP28, including maintaining regular dialogue on climate investment.

February 2023

Barakah Nuclear Power Station Unit 3 Begins Commercial Operation

Unit 3 at the Barakah nuclear power station began commercial operation, bringing total production from the first three units at the four-unit facility to up to 4,200 MW. Collaboration with the US has been key to the UAE becoming the first country in the MENA region to deploy zero-emission nuclear energy. In 2009, A US-UAE bilateral agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation went into effect, enhancing international standards of nuclear non-proliferation, safety and security.

November 2022

UAE and US Launch the Partnership for Accelerating Clean Energy (PACE)

The UAE and US launched the UAE-US Partnership for Accelerating Clean Energy (PACE), which will mobilize $100 billion and deploy 100 new gigawatts (GW) of clean energy in the US, UAE and emerging economies around the world by 2035.

October 2022

UAE and US Launch the Partnership for Accelerating Clean Energy (PACE)

The UAE and US launched the UAE-US Partnership for Accelerating Clean Energy (PACE), which will mobilize $100 billion and deploy 100 new gigawatts (GW) of clean energy in the US, UAE and emerging economies around the world by 2035.

November 2021

UAE and US Launch AIM for Climate

The UAE and US launched the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate), a coalition of over 500 partners and 50 countries that accelerates innovation in agriculture and food systems to enhance food security. Learn more about AIM for Climate.

April 2021

US and UAE Host First Regional Climate Dialogue in Abu Dhabi

The two countries jointly hosted the first Regional Climate Dialogue in Abu Dhabi, where countries from the GCC and MENA region committed to reducing emissions by 2030, work collectively to help the region mobilize investment in a new energy economy.

August 2020

Masdar Announces Investment in US Renewable Energy Projects

Masdar announced a second investment that supported the development of eight clean energy projects comprising 1.6 GW across the US. This includes three utility-scale wind farms in Nebraska, Texas and New Mexico and five photovoltaic solar projects in California to help power local communities.

January 2019

Masdar Invests in US Renewable Projects for the First Time

UAE company Masdar invested in renewable energy projects in the United States for the first time, acquiring wind farms in New Mexico and Texas.

January 2017

ADIA Purchases Large Stake in Arevon Energy

The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, through its affiliates, purchased a large stake in Arevon Energy, a leading renewable energy development firm operating one of the largest portfolios of solar projects in the US. In addition, ADIA is a significant minority investor in Great River Hydro, which produces renewable, carbon-free electricity in New England.

The UAE and US share a commitment to protecting the environment.

Learn more
Sea Turtle Conservation
Notable Comments on UAE-US Climate Cooperation
US Government

“Something happened after UAE COP, COP-28… Which is that the UAE, Azerbaijan, and Brazil have created a troika so that they’re thinking about the momentum … to try to build momentum into COP-29, and then into COP-30, which will be in Brazil. And I think there are a variety of elements to that, including taking that Dubai consensus on what needs to happen in terms of tripling renewables, doubling efficiency, etc. —take those elements and keep forward momentum, make sure that the world’s staying on track for that.”
- Senior Advisor to the President for International Climate Policy, John Podesta, 22 May 2024

“PACE further deepens our strategic relationship with the UAE and reflects the broader U.S. commitment to promoting economic prosperity, security, and stability in the region...The United States is grateful to UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan for his leadership in advancing both this initiative and agreeing to host COP28 in 2023.”
- US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, 1 November 2022

“Climate action and clean energy are key pillars of US-UAE partnership... PACE will accelerate clean energy innovation and deployment and deepen our rich bilateral ties.”
- Former US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Change John Kerry, 1 November 2022

“This is just the latest demonstration of the deep strategic relationship our countries share, and of the broader U.S. commitment to promoting economic prosperity, security, and stability in the Middle East region.”
- White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, 1 November 2022

“The US and UAE have always been allies and have a strong relationship in security, in defense, in economics…Now we are joining forces to lead the world in adaptation and implementation of the climate agenda; in renewable energy, electric vehicles, cleaner nuclear power that is maybe more deployable, advancing new technologies, accelerating [all] these things. And we're extremely excited.”
- Former Special Presidential Coordinator Amos Hochstein, 1 November 2022

“The US and the UAE are cooperating on a number of initiatives and we’ve had a real partnership on this whole issue of the climate crisis…The UAE has really been a leader in the climate sphere, which is one of the reasons that they were chosen to host COP28…COP28 is going to be a very significant COP and the UAE’s leadership is going to be critical.”
- Former Special Envoy for Climate Change, John Kerry, 10 October 2022

“The UAE has not only set a leadership example with its own Net Zero 2050 goal but also successfully bid to cost COP28 in Dubai to build upon Egypt’s leadership [at COP27]…The UAE has also joined with us to launch last year the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate). It’s now the world’s foremost international effort for mobilizing and coordinating investment in climate-smart agriculture…We are also now working together on several innovation sprints – public-private partnerships to address agricultural challenges.”
- Senior Advisor to the US Special Envoy for Climate Change, David Livingston, 28 September 2022

“There is a level of leadership engagement, creativity and readiness to embrace the urgency of the challenge that makes the UAE a leader, and that’s what we need right now to use the next 10 years to the fullest…They are already diversifying, and other countries need help to be able to diversify. That's when the developed world needs to come to the table and be helpful.”
- Former US Special Envoy for Climate Change John Kerry, 1 July 2022

“It’s quite remarkable, frankly, to find a country that is an oil and gas producing country that has been leading many other nations in the search for new technology in the effort to be a leader in transitioning to the new [green] economy.”
- Former US Special Envoy for Climate Change John Kerry, 21 April 2021

“As we jointly make progress towards our ambitious climate agendas, we're committed to working together to innovate new clean energy solutions. The US Department of Energy continues to support the clean, sustainable, and peaceful development of UAE's civil nuclear technology to help tackle the climate emergency.”
- US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, 16 April 2021

“The United States thanks the UAE for accelerating the research and development necessary to lower emissions [from the agricultural sector]. The US is proud to join you as an inaugural member of the AIM for Climate Initiative.”
- US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm

“[AIM for Climate] is the beginning of a new chapter, a new relationship, a stronger relationship and one that I think will encourage farmers to do what they are traditionally bound to do…which is to be the stewards of land and water.”
- US Secretary of Agriculture Thomas J. Vilsack

"Investments in pioneering restoration efforts like ‘Mission: Iconic Reefs’ can be beneficial not just in the Florida Keys, but also in reefs around the world, where corals suffer stress from human use, climate change, and other factors. By working together, we can create a lasting legacy in the Florida Keys and help support coral restoration efforts worldwide, in turn, providing economic security for communities that depend on healthy marine environments."
- US Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere Dr. Tim Gallaudet, 27 February 2020

“…the UAE has been on the cutting edge of a whole bunch of technology investments. And for a gas and oil-producing country, I think it’s exceptional to have them willing to bring all of the institutions engaged in trying to work for a transformation to new energy right to their home, right to the heart of the production area, and talk about the future. I think that’s bold leadership.  I think it’s very important.”
- Former Special Envoy for Climate Change, John Kerry, 26 October 2022

Think Tanks, Academia and Private Sector

“The nuclear reactors at the Barakah power plant that are operational and pumping electricity into the grid are examples of how the country is managing the transition thoughtfully.”
- Bill Gates, 6 October 2022

“The UAE’s climate action history and progress are stunning. Since the country was founded 50 years ago, the UAE has built a legacy of sustainability and has been a vocal and active proponent of responsible and eco-conscious growth.”
- Harvard Business Publishing, 17 February 2022

“As a longtime global energy leader, the UAE will play a key part in the energy transition and the development of long-term clean energy solutions. The became the first Middle Eastern state to make a net zero emissions pledge by 2050 and is expected to invest $160 billion in clean energy solutions as the government raises climate ambitions.”
- Former Director of the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center Randy Bell, 26 October 2021

“The UAE, with a rapidly expanding global advanced energy portfolio with strong support for renewables, serves as a critical touch point in the Middle East for US clean energy diplomacy and collaboration. Leading in this space, the UAE has operationalized the world’s larger solar farm in Abu Dhabi and built the region’s first civil nuclear energy plants. At this critical juncture in history, the opportunity is ripe to strengthen US-UAE bilateral relations through green energy, innovation, climate action and global renewables deployments.”
- Former Director of the Atlantic Council Global Energy Center Randy Bell, 18 December 2022